Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dear Lessismore....

Falling in love with someone else's?

I've been with this guy for almost 4 years already. Love him deeply, no doubt. But trust me, it has never been easy. I'll never be his priority. When I need him, he won't be there. We can only go out together to places where no other people would go for a date. I really have to be strong mentally & emotionally.

Lessismore, if you still want him, expect nothing from him.

You know, we fought a lot, purely because I wanted him to be more responsible of our relationship. But he just can't, because he has the limitation. There are lots of thing he can't do for me - if I was to compare to a normal relationship. We can't go for a holiday together, we can't have dinner at KLCC or anywhere "fabulous", we can't be seen together as a couple anywhere even.

At some points I wanted to give it up and look for someone else but I can't because I know no one will love me the way he does. He can't leave me too, indeed. We both love each other so much, so we decided to keep our relationship as long as we could hold to it, we just enjoy it while we can. That's the best and sensible thing both of us can expect to.

Tantrums will always be there at anytime. If you can't reach him and make him understand how you feel, channel it to something else - put it in writing, for example. I have been doing that and unbelievably it works. I put it in this blog, he will read it at his own leisure (Hi Bubu..miss you!).

Lessismore, if you think you can handle it, go ahead. If you think you won't find someone else better than him, why not, hold to it. But the main rule is that never ever step your foot in his other relationship. When he's with you, he's all yours. But when he's not with you, you are on your own - you must be independent. Just don't limit yourself to other possibilities, remember that you must be fair to yourself too.

Don't sigh, Lessismore. You feel like a mistress, in a way yes you are. I know how you feel.

If you think he's worth your time and your precious love, hold to it. Be strong. I may not have the standard/typical relationship as my other friends might have, but I can tell you, I have never been loved deeply like this before. Loving him is the best thing that had ever happened in my life (so far)...!

Take care, Lessismore.
Merry Xmas!

p/s - Always put your feet on the ground, friend.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Dear R

Days have passed and still no sign of us
Not a hint of what used to be
When you lived in that part of me

This blinding silence lives in every room
Of what once was a happy home
Now we’re sitting here all alone

Could this be that it was all a lie
And we’re just afraid to say good-bye

Am I the only one

Friday, December 14, 2007

Re: hello XoXoX

Nguyen John (***@yahoo.com)
Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:56:55 AM
XoXoX (xxx@hotmail.com)

Hi Xoxox!
So sorry i could not go to Lush bar last time because my friends don"t want to go there . I still remember the times we met each other and miss your face so much hihihi...you are so cute, i hope have chance to visit Malaysia in short times, so sorry my English is not good try to guess it hihihih.
Miss you!

_____________________ @--&-------- _______________________

RE: Hello John (is that your name?)‏
Xoxox (xoxox@hotmail.com)
Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:26:07 PM
Nguyen John (***@yahoo.com)


You can never imagine how overwhelming my feeling is when I saw your email popping up in my mailbox. I'm smiling from ear to ear while typing this...!

You know, I was getting worried that I couldn't get the chance to keep in touch with you since I lost my phone there. I thought I had the wrong email address since you did not reply, so I sent many emails to many addresses I could think of with your name on it, but all came back with "delivery failed" messages. I had this funny thinking that I might be visiting Saigon again and look for you myself. Haha...guess I'm lucky. Anyways, thank you so much for replying.

I have yet to transfer the photo we took together into my computer. I'll send it to you soon as I get it transferred, ok? By the way, I've created some "photos of us together" (like I said, I was afraid I couldn't get through you anymore, so I cropped your photos and pasted it on mine, just for the sake of remembering "I met this handsome guy in Saigon, and here's the happy moments we took together"...haha).

I'm passing you my cell phone number down here, perhaps you may want to keep it, just in case. Just don't call or sms me at the moment because I have yet to get a new phone. Hopefully it would be useful when you come down here in KL. Can't wait to take you around when you come. Looking forward to meet you again - either in KL or Saigon, or anywhere even!

Hey,are you sure you're missing me (how do you say "I miss you" in Vietnamese?)? See, I'm so excited till I forgot to ask how are you doing? Please excuse my excitement, ya. Anyway, really hope you are doing good over there. Do take care of yourself. I am so missing you! (I really do....)

Don't stop writing, ok.
Till then, cheers!

Yours truly,
Kuala Lumpur

P/s: You really make my day!

Dear Nguyen John...

Hi there!

I hope I get this right to the right person. I can vaguely remember your email address, so I'm just trying my luck here.

And I hope you still remember me XoXoX from XYXYXY. We met at the Golden Smile Club in District 3, then went back to my hotel room and promised to meet up at Lush, which you didn't turn up...! :(

You still remember I saved your email address in my cell phone? Now what happened was, I dropped my cell phone in a taxi this morning on the way back to my hotel. So, it's gone.

Hit me back ASAP once you received this email, ok!

Sincerely yours,
Amara Hotel

p/s - You were good last night!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Miss Saigon

That's what I am, officially....!

6th - 9th December, 2007