Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thank you, Miss Fleck...

Today I rose from bed feeling overly emotional. I played some music, melancholic songs, and I finally resorted myself to this one and threw myself in the world of loneliness and pain (sometimes I don't really know what I am talking about).

The first time ever I saw your face

I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the empty skies, my love,
To the dark and the empty skies.

The first time ever I kissed your mouth
And felt your heart beat close to mine
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love
That was there at my command.

And the first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heart so close to mine
And I knew our joy would fill the earth
And last till the end of time my love
It would last till the end of time my love

The first time ever I saw your face, your face,
your face, your face...

Boy, did I cry (because our time is over)...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

On Siti Nurhaliza Taruddin (SNT)....

Oh, how I hate her very much!!!

Today my mother coming visited me bringing together with my niece to see her mother, who was my sister. After we had eat our dinners, I must forced to follow with everybody's choices in my house to see Anugerah Planet Muzik, this year being organizing at the Indonesia. What an unfortunately night to me to see the stupid award shows!

As usually, SNT and with her crazy for publicity cum womanizer husband is at there too. To the hell with them two, like I cared for them. Never in my lifes, ye! But what is the irritating to me mostly about this stupid woman and i want to vomit until this very minute is that:

1) why in the hell have she be speaking in the Indonesian slang???

2) Why can't she be used her own the Malay slang that she is have been prouded of all these whiles???

3) Is it because that she is walking on land at there on the Indonesia so she must also speaking on the Indonesian slang???

4) Why she did not be speaking in the London language when she is doing the singing concert at the London???

5) Or when she goes to the US to see the factory Maybelline?

5) She long time ago go to the Shanghai to sang in a song competition, but why is she dont talking in the Chinese language???

And also, why must she is following like the women UMNO politician's tudung style which showing her hairs??? Better don't wearing tudung altogether at all lah..! What an eyes sickening!

There is many artist in the Malaysia got married with the usual people, but they didn't bring along everywhere to parade their husbands or wifes to the tv. But this SNT always want to show off her ugly husband to all of the people in tv. go got the life, ok??? He was not handsome and macho at all, he is OLD and cannot give u children because his cum is expired already! Haha! She is now very acting very like Anita Sarawak who is always dragging her unemployed Mat Saleh husband everywhere to promotion for business only, to give him the job to do, when in the facts he was not have talents at all. Gosh, stop competitioning you two womans!!

Maybe the short name SNT suited her very much.

SNT = Saya Nggak Tau.... (dumb) I am sound so stupid when I talking in the Malay...

Huh....somebody please take for me coffee in the cup please...!!!

Haha...this was only to laughing-laughing only, don't angry..... Happy weekend all peoples!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My name is Sweet.....

Bila dikenang-kenangkan, terasa benar ruginya tak beriya-iya berkayak masa di kolej dulu. Sudahlah free, time was never a problem, and the kayaks were always available at any time. In my own refusal, dalam hati bagai nak gila! Boleh dibilang sebelah tangan sahaja berapa kali dicuba mendayung. Itu pun curi-curi waktu malam.

Kenapa ya ada perasaan takut masa itu? Ah! Konon-kononnya takut terbalik, basah, tak pandai, malu orang tengok & gelak, etc. Now that everybody has grown up and busy with their own lives, baru terkial-kial nak mencari geng-geng untuk berkayak. Sigh...

Sayang sekali Trolak dah berubah fungsi & wajah. A very short period of time spent there, but lots of memory created. It was there where I got my very first nickname ever in my life. And also be known by it since. Can they still remember my actual name now?

Gosh, how I miss everything in my past!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

On daily routine....

So hectic. Very kelam kabut.

Many times I fell asleep soon as I reached home and threw myself on the couch. I had the tv watching me sleeping and perhaps snoring. Still, I feel that I couldn't get enough rest and sleep. I grew tired easily each day passing.

Exam is coming soon, I have yet to prepare myself. I couldn't remember a single thing taught in the class this morning, my mind was pre-occupied with things I was not sure myself.

I am a panda... I hate looking at myself in the mirror!
