Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pyan...in memory (September 25, 2008)

I will always remember him as someone young, energetic, fun and definitely fabulous.
Unfortunately, he left us all behind, his beloved friends & family,
too soon.

Nevertheless, I thank him for being part of our lives, whether he was a reason, a season or a lifetime. May he rest in peace, knowing that he left so many wonderful memories in each and everyone of us. His joy and laughter will always be remembered.

He was a fighter till the end.

Dear God, thank you for blessing us with a dear & lovely friend Suffian. Now that You have taken him away, bless his soul and let him rest in peace. It was a tough farewell, but You gave him the honor to surrender in Your arm in the holy month of Ramadhan.

"Aku sayang kau, Zam. Aku sayang semua kawan-kawan aku."
Hey, kenapa cakap macam tu pulak? Tak baik...
"Aku takut tak sempat nak cakap."
Be strong, okay. You must fight. Get well soon. Nanti kita boleh pergi holiday sama-sama lagi. Janji tau!
"Insya-Allah, kalau ada umur."

(And the love of The Almighty is much, much greater than us all...)


Pyan was diagnosed with colon cancer stage 3, not long after we came back from holiday in Jogjakarta last February. He immediately went for surgery and followed by chemotherapy, which unfortunately his body had rejected. Meanwhile, the cancer had spread rapidly, but he did not give up hope. While being treated in Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore, he collapsed in the bathroom, went into coma and never regain conscious until his last breath. He was laid in Tanah Perkuburan Ibukota, Gombak.

(And I secretly wished it was me....)

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