Saturday, July 18, 2009

On Siti Nurhaliza Taruddin (SNT)....

Oh, how I hate her very much!!!

Today my mother coming visited me bringing together with my niece to see her mother, who was my sister. After we had eat our dinners, I must forced to follow with everybody's choices in my house to see Anugerah Planet Muzik, this year being organizing at the Indonesia. What an unfortunately night to me to see the stupid award shows!

As usually, SNT and with her crazy for publicity cum womanizer husband is at there too. To the hell with them two, like I cared for them. Never in my lifes, ye! But what is the irritating to me mostly about this stupid woman and i want to vomit until this very minute is that:

1) why in the hell have she be speaking in the Indonesian slang???

2) Why can't she be used her own the Malay slang that she is have been prouded of all these whiles???

3) Is it because that she is walking on land at there on the Indonesia so she must also speaking on the Indonesian slang???

4) Why she did not be speaking in the London language when she is doing the singing concert at the London???

5) Or when she goes to the US to see the factory Maybelline?

5) She long time ago go to the Shanghai to sang in a song competition, but why is she dont talking in the Chinese language???

And also, why must she is following like the women UMNO politician's tudung style which showing her hairs??? Better don't wearing tudung altogether at all lah..! What an eyes sickening!

There is many artist in the Malaysia got married with the usual people, but they didn't bring along everywhere to parade their husbands or wifes to the tv. But this SNT always want to show off her ugly husband to all of the people in tv. go got the life, ok??? He was not handsome and macho at all, he is OLD and cannot give u children because his cum is expired already! Haha! She is now very acting very like Anita Sarawak who is always dragging her unemployed Mat Saleh husband everywhere to promotion for business only, to give him the job to do, when in the facts he was not have talents at all. Gosh, stop competitioning you two womans!!

Maybe the short name SNT suited her very much.

SNT = Saya Nggak Tau.... (dumb) I am sound so stupid when I talking in the Malay...

Huh....somebody please take for me coffee in the cup please...!!!

Haha...this was only to laughing-laughing only, don't angry..... Happy weekend all peoples!


Anonymous said...

LOL...Very the funny extremely!

U are so creative, dude! Keep it up!
I wish u could write more.

Anonymous said...

kalau benci sangat gan SNT kenapa banyak hal ttg dia ko ambik berat?..we should proud of her..not hate her!...baiki hati dulu!

Azhariz Azra said...

heh,it's my blog. if it's not your coffee in a cup, don't read then.


Anonymous said...

kalau ini blog u pun...janganla dok mengutuk orang yang telah membanggakan MALAYSIA...

nak tunjuk u FASIH berbahasa omputih jika dibandingkan dengan SNT..

At least dier dah harumkan nama MALAYSIA...and u??

Azhariz Azra said...

fact: it is absurd that as a malaysian you SHOULD be proud of SNT. what a foolish idea!

fact: i started blogging in english back in 2006, my using of the language is merely personal and self-teaching, not for showing off. it has never been an issue all the while; only now it has been brought up by anonymous when i criticized SNT (well, even if i do want to show off, what the heck, it's MY blog!).

fact: referring to the above, anonymous obviously and intentionally is belittling yours sincerely; hence none the better than yours sincerely. as such, "baiki hati dulu,anonymous!" (nah,ambik kau balik!)

fact: i criticized/argued/questioned the need of SNT to speak in indonesian, when they have never once spoken in her own mother tongue. where is the need for her to do so?? you give respect to them but do they give you back the same respect? nak bela SNT sangat? ha, jawablah, jawab, jangan tak jawab!

fact: malaysia harum dek kerana SNT? duhh...get a life, dude! without any surveys/studies, i am pretty sure none of the non-malay speaking countries would ever associates her with malaysia, or malaysia with her for that matter!

fact: malaysia harum because of the petronas twin tower and mahathir most of it. SNT?? gosh, what a joke!

fact: i am among those tiny fellow malaysians who play our parts for our country in our own ways. at the very least, i did not speak in indonesian language when i went there for vacation; i proudly used malaysian language instead and the local taxi driver even noticed that a malaysian tourist like me is extremely rare. because of my status as a tiny citizen i didn't get the chance to make it big in the newspapers or tv. on the other hand,i feel that for someone who has influence and so-called big as SNT, who to some people has made malaysia so harum mewangi, failing to do so is such a shameful and unforgivable! so who are you, anonymous, to question whether or not i have made the name of malaysia "harum" as SNT had? personally, i feel that i am much better than SNT on that note. shame on her!

observation: SNT fanatics pantang kena cuit, and they can never accept any criticisms on SNT! apa,malaikat sangatkah SNT tu???

observation: anonymous penakut sebab tak mau reveal identity, ibarat baling batu sembunyi tangan! malulah sikit!

suggestion: by all means go ahead and be her ever fanatic. jadilah pak angguk for life. people like you, anonymous, is the one who damages SNT - sokong bawa rebah, ever heard of it?

suggestion: anonymous, terimalah hakikat hidup; tak akan semua yang kita suka itu turut disukai oleh orang lain.

suggestion: nak hentam aku sebab kutuk SNT? hentamlah, peduli apa aku? there are loads more fellow malaysians that i can look up to, who uses their brains to the fullest than this woman.

with that, i rest my case...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....jangan marah....enjoy your weekend anonymous especially)!

(kalau SNT baca, jangan kecik hati ye... sorry! but sincerely,do something about it. and good luck!)