Monday, October 19, 2009

Time to simplify life....

I recently subscribed to and have been religiously submitted myself to its contents.

Oprah is one hell of a lady, there is no doubt! No matter how much I wanted to disagree with her, I had to surrender myself because at the end of the day I knew it all has been laid right on my nose. It is just a matter of whether or not I can or want to see and face the music. It is just the everyday thing.

So, if such is the reality, why do I have to subscribe to her ideas & writings then?

Well, sometimes we need people to tell us that we are not always right. We need real people, real friends to stop us from making more mistakes. I need people to stand up against me and fight for the right & real facts, not for the sake of fighting. And I think, sometimes it is just a way of confirming; that I want people to knock on my head so that I know that they know that I exist.

In her recent email, she popped up a few questions: is it possible to live with less? What truly matters?
Think about those struggling to make ends meet who may need what we don't.

Oh, why is it so difficult? When did we start to become so materialistic, that we suddenly forgotten to live a simple life? Who are we, where did we come from?

Call it the enlightenment, I don't buy it. What I want to know is, how did we get to this? Why can't I simplify my thoughts, feelings, life and stuff? Why can't I be a simple person on the inside as I always appear on the outside? Why am I a complicated one? Pening lalat already lah....

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Crash, boom, bang......

I met, again, an accident yesterday on my way back home from work.

It was a slow, heavy traffic as usual. Nearby the Pandan Indah exit on the MRR2 highway towards Cheras, right after I changed from the kura-kura lane to super rabbit, behind a suspiciously not-so-brand-new black Proton Saga which bears Malacca registration number, I did not turn into free gear and pull the hand break. I stepped my left foot on the clutch pad and the right one on the break pad instead.

Without any delay whatsoever, I fell asleep and the next sound I heard was an extremely loud bang and the rest was history. What more can I say? I admitted it was my fault, I was extremely tired. My body just could not take it anymore and pretended to be the next James Dean against me.

Again, I did not know why I rang my boss right after the accident on the way to the police station. But I guess it was the right thing to do because she indirectly came to my aid.

A huge sum of loss is what I have made for myself on that evening!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Words of wisdom....

Changing the world starts from within...

Did you ever realize that the second that just went by will never be seen again...

I've noticed that a person is only able to be happy once he has decided who he truly is...

You have a choice in life it is up to you to make it what you will...

-Deanna Yusoff-