Thursday, October 08, 2009

Crash, boom, bang......

I met, again, an accident yesterday on my way back home from work.

It was a slow, heavy traffic as usual. Nearby the Pandan Indah exit on the MRR2 highway towards Cheras, right after I changed from the kura-kura lane to super rabbit, behind a suspiciously not-so-brand-new black Proton Saga which bears Malacca registration number, I did not turn into free gear and pull the hand break. I stepped my left foot on the clutch pad and the right one on the break pad instead.

Without any delay whatsoever, I fell asleep and the next sound I heard was an extremely loud bang and the rest was history. What more can I say? I admitted it was my fault, I was extremely tired. My body just could not take it anymore and pretended to be the next James Dean against me.

Again, I did not know why I rang my boss right after the accident on the way to the police station. But I guess it was the right thing to do because she indirectly came to my aid.

A huge sum of loss is what I have made for myself on that evening!

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