Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Work sucks!!

I don't really get it.

Why am I seen as not performing just because the core figure is inconsistent for the past 4 months when I am catching up on other areas which I hardly focused on for the past 2 years? I was alone manning the fort before but now I have 3 more person fairly competing for the figure, isn't it purely natural that my figure becomes inconsistent of late?

Hey, I am the only qualified investment consultant there and look how much I have contributed for the past few months! I am not losing my focus, but I am more diversified. And that is because of their own greediness! So is it my fault?

Furthermore, I am always the person to seek for help and assistance to rectify whatever mistakes done by other people be it internally or externally. My time has always been snatched up by unnecessary disturbances, to the extent that I couldn't finish my job on time. Oh, have I mentioned about their dump-every-complex-cases-to-him-and-keep-the-easiest-ones-for-yourself attitude towards me?

And now, they plan to transfer me to other place due to my non-performing. Bastardo!

Well, they don't know what they're gonna miss. Soon when I leave, they're gonna cry for their loss...!
Because nowhere, and never again will they find another person as good as me! Huh!


tengku mizan said...

sapa lagi nak puji diri sendiri...ko ajerlaa..!
amik bakul dan angkat sendiri..tapi...ko mmg bagus sebenarnya!

Azhariz Azra said...

abis... dah bakul tu ringan, angkat je la sendiri.

kalau berat, baru la suruh orang lain angkat.

tengku mizan said...

masalahnya ko x pernah mintak orang lain angkat!...

Azhariz Azra said...

uhh...dah nasib diri tak berteman. kalau tidak, mesti ada orang yang tolong angkatkan bakul... wah,gitu!