Saturday, June 04, 2011

I care for you....

Sometimes a simple dinner at home, even when you just tapau from a warong, can bring the joy of life; simply because you share the moment with the person who meant a lot to you. Tonight's menu - chicken padprik and omelet served with steamed rice. To add value and to show how much I care, I get him a pot of fresh coconut juice to detoxify and cleanse up his body. 

That's my way of showing him that he means something to me, and I care about him. I don't have to say the words he's been yearning to hear coming out from my mouth. To me, words are cheap and more often than not doesn't carry value in them. My actions would just simply do as it carries value and is much more meaningful. 

'This is the sweetest thing you've ever done for me, sayang.'


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