Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh Ji Ho ... (1)

Saranghamnida ...

I'm a runaway slave ...

My favorite Korean drama Chuno has finally made its way out ... brokenheartedly ... I cannot believe I had my eyes teary watching its final episode, really!

After weeks of loyally watching, on numerous disappointing occasions missed the bus when my "tv little princess" snatched the remote controller from my hand and switched to cartoon network, Chuno left me wondering why, again and again, life treats us all unfairly!

Why in the world can't it pull its curtain down on a happy ending note for everybody? Why can't the hero survived the worst and lived happily ever after? Why didn't the goods won over the bads? And why are they so gorgeous and hunky and body beautiful and I am not? heart breaks so badly now!

Hey, could there be a sequel coming soon in which the goods' descendants having sweet revenge onto the bads? Wishful thinking!

Myths that heroes never die did not apply in this drama. I am glad that at least, some people has proved us that precious gems, although extremely rare, are still available in a world of "brainless" people; they managed to put their feet on the ground and bring some sense of reality of life in it, and still enjoyable at the same time. 

That's exactly how it was supposed to end. If you were alone attacked by a dozen of heartless men with extremely sharp shining swords, you were severely wounded, thick black blood dripping from your mouth to the ground, and you hardly could breath, you needed nothing but miracles to be alive. It is way too dramatic to allow the hero to be just another fantasy Gods a-la Hollywood who would even survive suicide bombings in Iraq!

That's the art of Chuno and it is undoubtedly beautiful. It has succeeded in making me drunk and drowned in a sea of unsatisfactory ending. 

On a deep philosophical thought, it reflects the true self of us all; no matter how much life offers us all the desired truth, subconsciously we would turn them all down to stay in denial and hoped for the best when the end is right on the nose. Duh, all of us did that more than twice in our lifetime. Aci kerat jari kalau tak pernah (Aci's finger ya, not mine!)!

Perhaps it was too colorful to let go (I definitely don't want to let go the ancient Korea, the story, the actors, the tanned, hard bods and washboard abs - owhh, pass me the oxy tank right now!!). Until very right this moment I wish there will be at least one more episode, but again, wishful thinking. 

But for now, I am your sex slave. I will run away and hide; and then you - a hot, sex-bomb, good looking, slave hunter with a tanned, damn-hard-to-resist super sexy bod self will hunt me down with your super sharp-edged sword. 

Capture me, let me taste the sensual pain, and do unto me as you wished. You are my master, Oh Ji Ho....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm on cloud nine......

It has been a while since the last time I had this beautiful feeling. It is difficult to put it into words, but I think I'm in love with you.

I can't wait for the night to fall, so that we could meet, talk craps, let our hair down, at times serious, very few times romantic, make fun about each other, and just be nobody but ourselves.

Come the time to sleep, we made our promises to hug each other closely, neither one of us would want to let go until the next morning. We kissed good night.  

Sleep tight, don't let the big bed bugs bite... Let it be me! And you giggled, and I love it every time.

When I woke myself up in the middle of the night, I found my lips kissing your hair, down to the back of your ears, your neck and then the back of your body, so softly and tenderly, not wanting to wake you up.
You moaned softly, I love it too.

Last night you were nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help myself from missing you deeply. I wanted to fly and be by your side. You were quiet, I thought you must be tired, or you wanted me to start first. Or perhaps you were with somebody else... Ouch! That's hurt....

Tonight, we met again. I was and still am so happy, my heart was overwhelmed by your presence. You are precious. I think I'm in love with you. I love your brain, your face, your sexy and seductive lips, your smile, your funny self, your tits, your body, your legs, everything! I long to touch you... (oh, why must we be so far apart?)

We made love to each other, but I am unsure how and what do you feel. I really hope you would feel the same, as much as I do. 

I saw you yawning few times. It was already late, you were tired and sleepy. You worked hard, I know. Then you told me that you're off to bed. Oh no, I still want to hold your love for you is insatiable... my heart sighed.

You were still naked. I malas nak ambil baju pakai. You selimutkan I nanti, ok? Iyalah. Minutes later your beautiful big eyes then closed and you fell into what I assumed a deep sleep.

"Can I hug you?" you suddenly surprised me by asking. I looked deep into your eyes and smiled.
"Don't let go..." I replied.

Yes, never let me go...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ceritera anjing (Dog story) ...

This time around for some apparent reason I have to write in Malay again. 

I encountered Dalam hidup saya telah beberapa kali saya dipertemukan dengan anjing-anjing yang suka menyalak, mengancam untuk menggigit / mencedera.

Malah, sewaktu berumur 5 tahun saya pernah dikejar anjing yang mengidam seplastik air minuman yang saya genggam. Emak pula panik, kerana saya hilang kira-kira 15 minit menyembunyikan diri selepas lari ketakutan.

Apabila dewasa, tak disangka-sangka saya masih tetap terpaksa berdepan dengan masalah anjing gila yang menyalak-nyalak dan mengancam hatta di depan pintu rumah sendiri.

Anjing gila yang tidak tahu dari mana asal-usulnya itu telah pun beberapa kali melakukan kerosakan di rumah saya - menggigit serta memecahkan barang-barang dalam rumah seperti lampu, jag air, kerusi, gelas dan bermacam-macam lagi termasuklah barang-barang sentimental peninggalan arwah suami kakak saya.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, salakannya bertalu-talu seperti meniup sangkakala agar seluruh umat manusia faham apa yang ingin disalakkannya.

Beberapa orang rakan yang pernah terserempak dengan anjing gila itu menyuarakan bahawa mereka tidak sangka langsung yang anjing itu sebenarnya mengalami masalah otak (heh, anjing pun ada mental problem?).

Bagi saya, biarkan saja anjing itu menyalak. Bila penat nanti berhentilah dia. Kalau masih berdegil, laporkan saja kepada tuan punya anjing itu. Biar dilepaskannya anjing itu ke mana-mana ceruk, biar hidup merempat tak bertuan. Atau pun, laporkan kepada majlis perbandaran, layaknya ditembak mati sahaja spesies anjing-anjing gila ini.

Nasib baik saya pula bukannya jenis orang yang suka membela anjing. Menyusahkan hidup sahaja!

Ketawa besar saya! Nasiblah kalau terasa.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Weekend Project 1: Ikea hack...

That picture-less frame painted in faded gold was bought from Ikea few years back. I repainted it to get antique-rustic effect. The plastic board that was supposed to cover its content behind was damaged during transit to my now not-so-new apartment more than a year ago. Since then I went blank, not knowing what to do with it except as a picture-less frame cum art form display.

In my living room I have yet to find the right ceiling light. As I try to be creative, after much magazines flipping, thinking and brainstorming, I finally decided to make my own ceiling light cum chandelier out of this (or perhaps these) cheap picture frame(s). To finish it off, I just need some off-season Christmas ornaments (they are cheap), flea-market find ladies accessories, LED bulbs, some screws, wires, and some skills.

Maybe after that I can sell it. Maybe. Until then, this is going to be my first weekend project. Oh, I'm so excited!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

In irritation I found something to smile at....

I have to write this in Malay, if you really, really know what I mean. LOL
(If you can't get it, read this till the end).

Malam ini saya terpaksa menyaksikan ABP buat tahun yang kedua berturut-turut selepas ABP tahun yang lalu. Alasan saya sama seperti di tahun yang lalu juga, kerana menemankan emak yang suka sangat melihat gelagat artis-artis Malaysia buat lawak bodoh...

Persembahan oleh artis-artis yang membuat persembahan pentas sebentar tadi pada saya amat memalukan, sumbang dan langsung tidak menghiburkan. Terkinja-kinja tanpa koreografi yang proper (maaf, saya gagal mengilhamkan perkataannya dalam BM), menyanyi tanpa energy (maaf sekali lagi) dan stamina, tercungap-cungap, penuh dengan kata-kata yang merapu serta meleret-leret, ada yang lupa lirik, dan tak kurang gelagat serta telatah menyerupai monyet Belanda*

*terkinja-kinja seperti monyet, perasan hidung mancung cakap pun pelat Mat Salleh...

Namun, apa yang membuatkan saya amat tertarik ialah sekumpulan adik-adik yang menyampaikan (in stead of menyanyikan) koleksi lagu-lagu hits oleh KRU. Lagu terakhir yang disumbangkan oleh mereka bertajuk Awas, sebuah lagu yang ditujukan kepada gadis-gadis materialistik yang suka menggoda lelaki-lelaki yang pada pendapat mereka "usia tak material walau pun dua kali gandamu". Secara spontan, sebuah nama maha besar industri muzik (benarkah ia satu industri?) tanah air terlintas di benak saya yang kadang-kadang (atau selalunya) amat sinikal dan nakal ini. Siapa lagi kalau bukan DSN...

Sumpah tak tipu, kalaulah saya berada di tempatnya pada saat dan ketika itu, saya akan tarik orang tua itu bangun dari kerusi yang sangat empuk itu lantas mengheretnya keluar dengan segera sambil diiringi perasaan malu yang teramat sangat kerana tak banyak sikit lirik lagu itu tetap terkena tempiasnya di batang hidung saya sendiri! "Aku saman Berita Harian dan adik-adik itu!"

That's all I want to write. Anyway, Kak Ogy tetap rock!!!!!