Friday, June 30, 2006

(Edited because of some silly misunderstandings)

This is an excerpt from "Jackson Square Jazz", written by Greg Herren.

I woke up alone at seven in the morning.
He was gone.
Big surprise, right?
Terrific. In my mind I heard the words, I will not be ignored, Baby.

My sweet love:

I'm starting to get a little concerned. I've called a couple of times and only get your voicemail, and this is the third letter I've sent since you left the other day, and you have yet to answer any of them. What's going on?

I realize I may be overreacting - I don't have a lot of experience with this relationship business - but I had such a great time with you here last week. It broke my heart to take you to the airport Friday - I wanted you to stay badly. I love you, Baby, and having you here with me only convinced me how right we are for each other.

That's why I am so nervous about not hearing from you...did I do or say something wrong? Did I piss you off in some way? Please know that if I did, it was certainly not my intent, and please accept my apology. I love you so very much - I can't imagine life without you now, Baby. Please let me know everything is okay.


With all my love,
Your Baby

"Jackson Square Jazz"

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