Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's my faux pas....

I have skipped my routine class for, if I am not mistaken, more than two months already. The fact that I got easily tired these days, and also the calamity that fell upon the temple being the result of endless raids to places where all the cuties and hotties met (not many of them were of the quality that I expected though), I found out that paying a visit to the class is after all, a boring and waste of time sort of affair. And money as well.

Not wanting to exacerbate the condition of my already shrinking pocket and wallet, I decided to stick to my New Year's resolution, i.e. the class is only to be attended once in an entire month. Well, I have made it so far, implausibly (standing ovation)!

Behind all these determination, a reason lies beneath. I mean, I wouldn't be so successfully abide to my own rule (they are made to be broken, mind you!) and being a fragile person myself, I could easily forget what on earth I had decided earlier, hit the road and just be a man about it. Grown-up and wiser (I hope so), I put it up to my own words. Once a friend from the class asked, "Why are you avoiding the class? What is it that you are so uncomfortable about?" I did not give him a truthful answer anyway as I believe every single human being is entitled for some white lies or better still, just tight-lipped.

Ironically, as much as I wanted to be wiser, I still cannot overcome that infantile behavior in me. My inner side unfailingly convinced me that instead of facing the music, I should run away from things and people who caused me troubles and glooms. Hence, the act of escaping from the class. After all these years and experiences, I have yet to learn to let go and walk out as a free man as the chain of reminiscences that clinging at the back of my mind keeps telling and reminding me of my faux pas, that I cannot forgive and forget. Well, that only applies to selected few which if I were to list them down I would take merely two seconds to finish writing their names, no kidding (because there is only one)!

Honestly, at this moment, there is only one reason why I have temporarily stopped attending the much missed class.

Because I am still broken....


awan said...

boleh ke you make it once a month class? :)

Azhariz Azra said...

so far i have proved it to myself (at least).

pretty amazing, huh! :)